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Healthy Purple Butterflies

Discover how to become the best version of you!

What does it mean to be a Healthy Purple Butterfly?

Healthy Purple Butterflies is a place where you can belong and discover your fullest potential. Picture yourself for a moment trapped in a cocoon filled with stress, anxiety or health problems and not being able to cope. Now see yourself gaining new knowledge and understanding with a group of others who share similar issues and problems. Finally visualize emerging from that cocoon and spreading your wings for the first time. Now you have a sense of what being a Healthy Purple Butterfly is about.

picture of an RV in the middle of a field

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Meet Vixen, she is half Havanesse and Pomeranian.

She is my full time fur ball companion and has made this journey absolutely amazing. I got her at 2 months and this is the only life she has known.

picture of an RV in the middle of a field

My First Book!

Healthy Heart Remedy is now available for direct download.

This is the first book in my self-help series. We will be taking more in-depth looks at different chronic illnesses. Some that I have personal experience with which will be the first areas we will cover.

Having been through so many heart issues myself and with those close to me I have done a lot of research, learned a lot of things from my own personal experiences. I want to share this information and hope that it will help you.

This book has been written as a guide to help show you some of the things that you can do to reduce your risk of heart attack. It will also give you some ideas of things to look for if you are at a high risk for heart attack. It is also a guide to the some of the signs and symptoms of having a heart attack.

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